Sunday 1 February 2015

Lingerie Football League schedule 2015

So the LFL schedule for 2015 has been announced. Long story short, there's both good and bad news!

Good news first: there's going to be more games in 2015. Each team will now play a total of six games: three home and three on the road.

However as you might have realized already, the bad news is there's much fewer teams in 2015 compared to last year! :( In fact, no fewer than four of the teams from last year aren't competing, which is very disappointing to hear. None of the Baltimore Charm, Jacksonville Breeze, Green Bay Chill or Toledo Crush will be involved this year, and Baltimore Charm are the only one of these expected to return in 2016. It's clearly not a sign of a growing and thriving league when 40% of the teams from last year are lost! :( It seems especially bad that the Jacksonville Breeze are out given that they were a playoff team last year.

In any event, the full schedule is:
April 11: Chicago@Atlanta
April 18: Atlanta@Omaha
April 25: Omaha@Chicago
May 2: Omaha@Atlanta
May 10: Atlanta@Chicago
May 16: Las Vegas@Los Angeles
May 29: Los Angeles@Seattle
June 6: Seattle@Los Angeles
June 13: Chicago@Omaha
June 21: Seattle@Las Vegas
June 27: Las Vegas@Los Angeles
July 3: Los Angeles@Seattle
July 10: Omaha@Atlanta
July 23: Los Angeles@Las Vegas
Aug 1: Las Vegas@Seattle
Aug 5: Seattle@Las Vegas
Aug 9: Chicago@Omaha
Aug 15: Atlanta@Chicago
Aug 22: Conference Championships
Aug 29: Legends Cup

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