Friday 23 January 2015

Heather Furr interview

Heather 'Rockstar' Furr plays QB for the Chicago Bliss, current and back-to-back LFL champions. She's also a two-time MVP, in 2011 and 2013. As if this wasn't impressive enough, in 2014 she was named in the '50 Hottest Athletes of All-Time'. She's clearly a true LFL legend!

I recently had the opportunity to interview Heather, and here's what she had to say.

First off, congrats on a great 2014! What are your thoughts about how the season played out, both personally and for your team?
Every season is an adventure. You never know who exactly is coming back to play the next season, how the other teams are looking, but for our team I know we are coming back with a lot of amazing talent and most of our coaching staff so I'm extremely confident. We are coming into 2015 back-to-back Champs and I feel good ... everyone else is chasing us. I like that.

How and why did you originally decide to get involved in the LFL?
I got involved back in 2009 after being asked to just go to a tryout. I wasn't keen on the idea but I went anyway. I showed up, late and uninterested, but when I did go out on the field it was GAME ON. Combine Style. Vertical Jump, 40 yd. dash, etc. I was very interested at this point and dropped all of my misconceptions about it. This was real football.

What do you most and least like about playing in the LFL?
I love that I get to play real football! It really is true football with incredible athletes. That aspect is amazing. Something I really don't like is that not nearly enough people know about the league.

Who do you find the toughest players to play against?
Honestly, there are super tough players on each and every team. Every team recruits to the best of their ability and are looking for the biggest, baddest players, however, I think the Chicago Bliss have them.

What would you choose as the highlight and lowlight of your LFL career to date?
At this point the highlight is being back-to-back champions. We've had to beat LA to do it both seasons and it was just incredible. LA and Chicago have always had the best teams in the league so it's always a battle when we play one another.

A lowlight of my career was my first injury back in January of 2010, my rookie season. It was the 4th play of the game. We were playing LA in the conference championship game. As I scored a touchdown and the whistles blew, I continued getting tackled by an LA player. My shoe got caught in the turf, my leg pretty much bent backwards (hyperextended) over her back and I was out. Partial tear of the ACL, PCL, damage to pretty much every part of my knee. It was such a terrible pain, but yet a huge let-down for me was that I couldn't help the team win. I ended up getting MVP that season, which was amazing, but we should've also had a Championship.

Do you have your own football training program in addition to scheduled practice?
Yes. Everyone on the team trains on their own in addition to practice. Practice isn't a time to "get in shape", we are going through drills, offense and defense, scenarios, different situations, game plans and strategies, etc. We definitely get in a great workout at practice, but only practicing a couple times a week wouldn't cut it, for any of us, no matter how long we've been in the league.

Have you a pre-game routine and do you experience pre-game nerves?
My pre-game routine is really to just be as prepared as possible. To have every offensive and defensive check ready to go, feel comfortable with those checks, and make sure everyone is on the same page. I'm the leader so I need to be able to answer every question any teammate has. I pride myself on being calm and collected, but don't get me wrong, I get amped up .... REALLY AMPED UP! Right before the game it's pure excitement and adrenaline. I go into each game as confident as possible. I've prepared as much as I can and am more ready than anyone else.

Sometimes I wear sunglasses when I'm announced, I have my introduction moves which has become a little Hulk Hogan mixed with Usain Bolt, and I just do what I feel. I also like to go back and forth with Coach Hac just A LITTLE. He and I both think we know what's best at the time and the leader in me and the head coach in him butt heads every once in a while .... okay like 10 times a game! We challenge each other and both respect each other though. It's a great player/coach relationship!

How big a time commitment is required in order for you to play in the LFL?
The LFL is a huge time commitment. You have practices, promotions, travel time, games, etc. but on top of all of that you have to study and continue to learn the game. We watching film on opponents, put in separate game plans for each game, and are all working out and training on our own also. It is a full-time job.

Does your football career require many sacrifices in other areas of your life, and how difficult do you find this?
If it's something you love to do, you won't find things that you give up or can't do because of it a sacrifice. You find it a necessity. So I can't say I sacrifice things; I willingly give them up because I love the game, I love to compete and I love to play.

How long do you see yourself continuing in the LFL?
Well, I just turned 30! This is my 5th season in the LFL, and I had no idea at the start that I'd be playing this long so I have no idea how much longer I'll continue playing.

What was your reaction to being named in the 'Top 50 Hottest Athletes of All-Time'?
Being named to the Top 50 Hottest Athletes was very nice to see, but definitely not something I expected. These lists come out of nowhere and I don't know who decides on them, but I was very honored!

The main issues raised by critics of the LFL relate to the uniforms, medical insurance and salary. What are your opinions on these issues?
In all honesty, things aren't sugar-coated. No one tries out for a team thinking that the uniforms are going to change, that we are going to be provided with insurance or that we are going to get paid. Period. You go in knowing all of these things aren't going to change. If they do change and we are given insurance and begin to get paid that would be amazing and all, but women don't go in blindly thinking these things are going to happen. If they do then they haven't done enough research or talked to enough of the current athletes!

Do you think a representative body for all LFL players would be useful and if so, what do you think are the most important issues for players?
I think that a representative body would be great to have, perhaps one representative from each team, but in all honesty Mitch will hear out any player and their ideas, if it's within the realm of reason.

In addition to football, you also describe yourself as a personal trainer and bartender, could you give some details on these?
I am currently a personal trainer at Equinox, which is a fitness club in downtown Chicago, as well as a bartender next to Wrigley Field called Murphy's Bleachers. They are both great jobs. I love fitness, helping people reach their goals, and pushing them, and I also love to have fun, so both of these jobs are perfect for me.

What are you most proud of, both on and off the football field?
This is a really tough question. I truly don't know what I'm most proud of. My successes in the LFL thus far are pretty great. 2-time League MVP and current back-to-back Legends Cup Champions are a few great accomplishments in the LFL. Outside of the league I'm proud of myself for just being me. A strong, hard-headed, competitor that works for everything I have in this life. I am so grateful to be where I am.

Who are the people who have helped you most on your football and life journeys?
I have an amazing support system with my family, friends, and boyfriend. Honestly, they all push me, but not necessarily to play or do better, but to continue to challenge myself and be true to who I am.

Are there any medium and long-term ambitions that you are particularly motivated to achieve, both inside and outside football?
I want to travel more. I'm 30 and haven't been overseas! I'll go anywhere. Other than that I really just want to be happy with my life and my decisions, which I am currently. You make your own happiness. If you aren't happy, do something that changes that.

Celebrating a TD, 'Rockstar' style! :D
I've never seen a sportsperson celebrate by drinking a cold one before! How did this come about?
Ha. Well, I have done it once before (about 2 years ago) and I ended up grabbing a gin and tonic. YUCK! It's kind of a spur of the moment thought, like "Hmmm, this crowd needs a little entertainment!" But literally it comes to me as I'm scoring ... I'm a people pleaser and I want everyone to have a good time, so why not give them all something to enjoy! ;)

When were you first called 'Rockstar'?
I began being called 'Rockstar' after my first season I believe. I led the league in interceptions, I believe, and most overall touchdowns as a QB. And I say "I believe" because I'm not sure what my stats were from any season I've played. I base my success with wins and losses, not my pass completions, or how many yards I ran for. My main objective is to WIN. Did we do that? Ok great, now onto the next game!

Thanks for your time 'Rockstar' and best of luck in 2015! :D

For more about Heather, check out:

Monday 19 January 2015

Lingerie Football League fight!

Possibly the most memorable moment of the 2014 season was the epic fight that erupted at the end of the game between the Atlanta Steam and Jacksonville Breeze. The highlight of the no-holds-barred brawl has to be when Jacksonville stunner Adrian Purnell landed a punch to the chops of Atlanta head coach Dane Robinson! :D In what other sport would you see this?

Sunday 11 January 2015

Lingerie Football League lovely bottoms 2014!

Wardrobe malfunctions may have been in short supply in 2014, but there was no shortage of lovely bottoms on view during the season! Rear of the Year would probably have to go to Lulu Jackson of the Toledo Crush:

Sunday 4 January 2015

Lingerie Football League wardrobe malfunction queen: Tamar Fennell

Whether by accident or design, it's quite clear that the delightful Tamar Fennell, currently of the Toledo Crush, is the wardrobe malfunction queen of lingerie football. At this point, there's been a number of incidents in which her lovely bottom has been exposed to the world!

The trend began in the first All-Fantasy game in 2012.